Saturday, May 10, 2008

'How Do I Look' selected for NewFilmmakers NY Screening Series

Screening will coincide with NYC’s Gay Pride 2008

NewFilmmakers NY selects 'How Do I Look' documentary for Gay Pride screening

The award-winning documentary How Do I Look will be screened at the NewFilmmakers NY Screening Series at the Anthology Film Archives in New York on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 -- in the middle of New York City’s Gay Pride 2008. The evening is dedicated to gay and lesbian films.

How Do I Look, by the award-winning director Wolfgang Busch, continues to break new ground. The success of How Do I Look at gay and straight film festivals around the world is being recognized by the selection by the NewFilmmakers NY Film Festival. In making its selection, NewFilmmakers NY is also acknowledging the director and openly gay artistic and social activist Wolfgang Busch as one of the best new directors in the United States.

About the screening

On Wednesday, June 25, 2008, How Do I Look will be screened at 10:45 pm at the Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue (at 2nd Street), New York, NY 10003. Schedule hotline: (212) 505-5181. Prior to the screening, Busch has organized a special 6 minute live performance by the House of Ninja, a famous group of dancers and one of the notable families within the Harlem Ball community. The dance troupe will honor Willi Ninja, the group’s former leader and a legend and icon in the New York City Night Life and the Harlem Ball communities, who passed away in 2006 from complications due to AIDS. How Do I Look (2006, 80 Minutes, Video) will be preceded by Julie Casper Roth’s Tokens (2007, 18 Minutes, Video).

Tickets cost $5.


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