The actor Evan Ross attended the World AIDS Day gala event of the New York AIDS Film Festival on December 1, 2007. Ross garnered critical attention for his supporting role in the HBO film, Life Support, which was a featured film during the New York AIDS Film Festival. At the gala event, Ross was joined by other members of the industry, such as the producer Suzanne Engo, who is also the founder of the New York AIDS Film Festival; the filmmaker Wolfgang Busch; BET executive Sonya Lockett, who was among the evening's honorees; and others.
Life Support, starring Queen Latifah, is based on the real life story of Andrea Williams, an HIV-positive woman. According to Wikipedia, the film premiered January 26, 2007, at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and premiered on HBO on March 10, 2007. The film featured Evan Ross in a supporting role. Life Support was nominated for 2 Emmys: Queen Latifah was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or Movie, while the film was nominated for Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Miniseries, Movie or Special.